Cattle gender terms

What are boy and girl cattle called?

Cattle refers to all sexes of the bovine species. Cattle refers to more than one 'beast' and whilst people often refer to a cow to mean the singular of cattle, cows are actualy mature female cattle. Bulls, bull-calf, steer are male cattle whilst Cows and hiefers are female cattle. Lets look a little closer on the difference in terms. 


The term "cattle" is a general word used to describe domesticated bovine animals as a group, irrespective of their gender or age. It encompasses all the aforementioned terms, including bulls, steers, cows, heifers, and calves.


A bull is an adult male bovine that has not been castrated (had its testicles removed). Bulls are typically larger and more muscular than cows, and they possess reproductive capabilities. They are often used for breeding purposes to impregnate cows and produce offspring.


A steer is a male bovine that has been castrated before reaching sexual maturity. Castration is performed to make the animal less aggressive and easier to handle. Steers are often raised for meat production and are known for their more docile nature compared to bulls.


A cow is an adult female bovine that has given birth to at least one calf. Cows are primarily used for breeding and milk production. They have mammary glands that allow them to produce milk to nourish their calves.


A heifer refers to a young female bovine that has not yet given birth to a calf. Once a heifer has a calf, she is considered a cow. Heifers are typically raised to eventually become cows in order to continue the breeding cycle and maintain the herd.


A calf is the offspring of a cow or heifer. It can refer to either a male or female bovine that is less than one year old. Calves are born after a gestation period of around nine months and are dependent on their mothers for milk and care.


The term "bull-calf" is used to specify a male calf. It differentiates between male and female calves, with the latter simply referred to as "calves" or "heifer calves."