Buying Safely

This is an Australian based site, we try to make sure our sellers are Australian too. When you buy from an Australian business, online or in person you are entitled to Australian consumer protection. This includes that goods are fit for purpose and legislated refund rights. Some protections may vary from stated to stat, and may not apply when goods are second hand or the seller is a private person. Know who you are buying from!

Sellers on The Farmers Lot

The Farmers Lot is an online farmers market, we host sellers. Purchases are between buyers and the seller, as are any disputes should they arise. If you experience poor service (or good service for that matter) please provide honest, constructive feedback this helps make the Farmers Lot a safer place. If you experience fraud, abuse or similar behaviour let us know through our contact-us links (as well as providing a reivew of the product/store). Please ensure the feedback is constructive and uses appropriate language, a post we have to remove due to obscene language does not serve to warn other.

Buying Safetly

The first place to look is at other customers reviews (where they are available). We also encourage you to check if the seller is a premium seller. Premium sellers are listed on the premium sellers page. The Farmers Lot undertake some additional checks on our premium sellers, however you must always remain vigilent with any online purchase.

Some other things you can do to make your experience safer

- use our internal messaging system 

- research your product, know what you are buying and what others are charging

- ask for a video of the product

- for large purchases you may seek to make an deposit with the rest on delivery

- avoid carrying cash (use online payment methods)

- if buying from a business, search reviews online, check out their details on ASIC and on the ABN register

- ask questions

- be familar with our user agreement